The Shocking Truth about Obama – Retold
I recently ran across a Top 10-kind of blog when I googled the phrase "truth about Obama."
Was I digging up dirt to bury Obama? No.
I simply wanted to see and know the truth about some issues surrounding Obama, ones that the liberal media just ignores, glosses over and conveniently forgets to mention.
So I copied and pasted one Obama supporter's blog observations, and did a little more subjective digging.
1. Devout Christian
Professing to be a Christian and then being shown in photographs attending church makes anyone, including Obama, about as much of a “devout Christian” as you or me standing in a garage and saying we’re master mechanics. Many alleged Christians speak words of their intentions, but their actions speak of their true character and faith. To this point, note Obama's moment of honesty in San Francisco recently. As a refresher, here is what he said (this excerpt pulled from an article, April 24, 2008, “When Will We Admit the Truth About Barack Obama?” By Selwyn Duke:
"You go into these small towns in Pennsylvania and, like a lot of small towns in the Midwest, the jobs have been gone now for 25 years . . . . And it's not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations."
Many have labeled these comments elitist, and Obama has been trying to explain them away. But, again, the truth is plain. Apologists have asserted that Bill Clinton expressed the same sentiments in 1992; in other words, the best they can muster is that Obama is just like Clinton.
And that is the point.
To understand what is most striking about those comments, though, you have to look more deeply. Notice he mentioned "religion" in the same breath as "guns" and "antipathy to people," sandwiched right in-between the two. It's hard to escape the conclusion that he draws an equivalency among those things, which speaks volumes.
If you're a person of faith, you understand that we're supposed to cling to religion. After all, if you are serious about your faith, you must believe it is the Truth and that it is God's will that you should practice it. And why wouldn't you have the Truth at the center of your life?
The only kind of person who wouldn't have this perspective is one who has little or no faith. That certainly wouldn't make Obama unique, but remember that he has often masqueraded as a man of faith, just as he now touts his support for Second Amendment rights (in 1999 he supported a law that would have eliminated gun stores from virtually the whole country). But this bespeaks of a reality: There is Obama the myth, and Obama the man. If you want to know the former, listen to what he says; if you want to know the latter, accept what he is.
2. Pledge of Allegiance
There are crazy claims that Obama is a terrorist, doesn’t say the Pledge and turns his back on the flag….All false. But the more important issue isn’t about patriotism, it is again one of the heart.
“For out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks.” Luke 6:4-5.
If one’s heart is filled with love, they speak love, encouragement and praise. If one’s heart is clouded with anger and worry, then you’ll hear venom and fear.
So, when Michelle Obama says: "For the first time in my adult life, I'm proud of my country,” you must assume her heart was not proud of America before.
3. Friend of Israel and against anti-Semitism
Great. Obama – like most politicians – wants peace with Israel and proclaims a fight against anti-Semitism.
But what taking a stand against anti-inflammatory, anti-American rhetoric?
He spewed bigoted, virulently anti-American bile.
He equated America with al-Qaeda, said we deserved 9/11, made anti-white statements, and called our nation "the US of KKKA."
Obama calls Wright a friend, mentor and uncle; he has a 20-year relationship with him, during which time he attended Wright's church; he was married and had his child baptized by the reverend; and last year he donated $26,000 to the church.
Some say you can’t cast a “friend” to the dogs and one interviewer said Obama "cannot disown him."
A better question is this: Why, Mr. Obama, did you ever own him in the first place?
Support and acceptance of Wright’s venom? Maybe not.
Tolerance of it? There is no doubt on this. 20-years’ don’t lie.
So, again a question of the heart: If you are a man of true character, why continue for 20-years to keep Wright’s company?
4. Opposed to war
Obama’s website proudly proclaims his anti-Iraq stance and anti-war voting record.
But to paraphrase an old commercial: Where’s the beef?
Consider his position on Iran: “Iran has sought nuclear weapons, supports militias inside Iraq and terror across the region, and its leaders threaten Israel and deny the Holocaust. … If Iran continues its troubling behavior, we will step up our economic pressure and political isolation.”
Wow, so Obama will do like Clinton with the rabid elements of humanity: throw empty powerless sanctions. Both naïve and dangerous.
So, after the terrorists get their nasty harshly worded notices, Obama suggests we’ll go door to door and securely inventory nuclear materials.
“While other candidates have insisted that we should threaten to drop nuclear bombs on terrorist training camps, Obama believes that we must talk openly about nuclear weapons — because the best way to keep America safe is not to threaten terrorists with nuclear weapons; it’s to keep nuclear weapons away from terrorists. Obama will secure all loose nuclear materials in the world within four years. … This will deny terrorists the ability to steal or buy loose nuclear materials.”
Okay, everybody gather round! Just put all the terrorists’ toys in a chest, lock it down, and that’ll stop em!
Could Obama – or anyone - really believe the most vicious people on the planet can be thwarted this easily?
5. Defender of women’s rights
Remember, we must separate myth and the man: (this excerpt pulled from an article, April 24, 2008, “When Will We Admit the Truth About Barack Obama?” By Selwyn Duke:
In 2002, President Bush signed into law a bill titled the "Born Alive Infants Protection Act" (BAIPA). This law was necessary because, believe it or not, infants were being born alive during attempted abortions and then, ancient Spartan style, left to die. Jill Stanek wrote about this last year, saying:
"As a nurse at an Illinois hospital in 1999, I discovered babies were being aborted alive and shelved to die in soiled utility rooms. I discovered infanticide."
The act was so vile that even staunch abortion advocates would not oppose BAIPA. Stanek tells us that it passed the Senate by unanimous vote, garnering the support of senators Kerry, Kennedy and Clinton. She then pointed out:
"The bill also passed overwhelmingly in the House. NARAL went neutral on it. Abortion enthusiasts publicly agreed that fighting BAIPA would appear extreme."
But the state version of BAIPA failed for years in Illinois. Any guesses as to why? Stanek goes on to explain:
I testified in 2001 and 2002 before a committee of which Obama was a member.
Obama articulately worried that legislation protecting live aborted babies might infringe on women's rights or abortionists' rights. Obama's clinical discourse, his lack of mercy, shocked me. I was naive back then. Obama voted against the measure, twice. It ultimately failed.
In 2003, as chairman of the next Senate committee to which BAIPA was sent, Obama stopped it from even getting a hearing, shelving it to die much like babies were still being shelved to die in Illinois hospitals and abortion clinics.
6. Committees he’s a member of…
Judicial Watch Announces List of Washington’s “Ten Most Wanted Corrupt Politicians” for 2007
#8. Senator Barack Obama (D-IL): A “Dishonorable Mention” last year, Senator Obama moves onto the “ten most wanted” list in 2007. In 2006, it was discovered that Obama was involved in a suspicious real estate deal with an indicted political fundraiser, Antoin “Tony” Rezko. In 2007, more reports surfaced of deeper and suspicious business and political connections It was reported that just two months after he joined the Senate, Obama purchased $50,000 worth of stock in speculative companies whose major investors were his biggest campaign contributors. One of the companies was a biotech concern that benefited from legislation Obama pushed just two weeks after the senator purchased $5,000 of the company’s shares. Obama was also nabbed conducting campaign business in his Senate office, a violation of federal law.
7. Keeping weapons out of terrorists hands legislation
Again, let’s refer back to #5 above, but also this information:
We know about William Ayers, the college professor and "education advisor" who, as a Weather Underground terrorist in the 1970s, planted bombs in a campaign against our government. You might point out that this was three decades ago, but know that Ayers is unrepentant and wishes that he had planted more bombs. "I don't regret setting bombs, said Ayers in 2001, "I feel we didn't do enough."
Notwithstanding his violent past, Ayers today does not describe himself as a terrorist. "Terrorists destroy randomly," he reasons, "while our actions bore ... the precise stamp of a cut diamond. Terrorists intimidate, while we aimed only to educate."
Education through targeted bombings. Scary.
In the mid-1990s, Ayers and his wife hosted meetings at their Chicago home to introduce Barack Obama to their neighbors during his first run for the Illinois Senate.
At a 2007 reunion of former members of the Weather Underground and Students for a Democratic Society, Ayers painted a verbal portrait of life in the United States which included the following passages:
"Empire resurrected and unapologetic, war without end, an undefined enemy that's supposed to be a rallying point for a new kind of energized jingoistic patriotism, unprecedented and unapologetic military expansion, white supremacy changing its form, but essentially intact, attacks on women and girls, violent attacks, growing surveillance in every sphere of our lives, on and on and on, the targeting of gay and lesbian people as a kind of a scapegoating gesture to keep our minds off of what's really happening."
Jeff Jacoby on April 28, 2008 in an article, “Obama's ‘mainstream’ friends,” asks this:
Even if Obama doesn't personally believe these things, is it really "tired tripe" to ask why he seems so comfortable in the company of people who do? Is it really "extremely stupid politics" to wonder whether such people might play a role in an Obama administration? Rather than slam the few journalists who raise such questions, might it not behoove others in the media to follow suit?
Again, direct support and acceptance of Ayers’ violent past? No.
But there is question of tolerance for the Weathermen that begs one to ask: As president, would his zeal match that of our Islamist foes?
Stay informed, and check out things for yourself: