No temperature. No nausea. No headaches.
Strange.. I feel 100% healthy, but I know I still have the Who Dat fever.
And truth is I don't want to get over this sickness.
From all reports too, this fever has spread throughout the nation, maybe the world.
Evidence: the Saints-Colts Superbowl was THE most-watched TV show in the history of television. More than 106 milions viewers was last count I saw.
My independent study (do not ask how I derived at this.. super-double probation kinda stuff) shows that a whopping majority of this 106 milllion were infected with mild cases of Who Dat, but upon Porter's game-ending INT for TD they were all full-blown Who Dat infected.
Symptoms you ask?
- Daily need to wear black-and-gold shirts, feather boas, Saints championship hats
- Now own an authentic Saints jersey and believe wearing it at all functions is appropriate
- Search for anything mentioning or showing Drew Brees, his wife or his son, Baylen
- Attended the Superbowl in Miami and now have several new Who Dat friends on Facebook
- Re-read The Times Picayune stories on Mondat
- Have forwarded countess priceless pictures of Saints Superbowl photos, ie Payton sleeping with the Lombardi trophy
- Have recounted multiple stories of someone you know who has seen Payton holding the Lombardi Trophy at Ruth's, parades, on floats, in hotel lobbies, at post-parade parties, etc
- Have waited in line for hours post-Superbowl to get a Saints player autograph
- You have renamed the days of the week: Mondat, Truedat, WeDat, Drewdat, Fridat, Saintsdat, WhoDat
- Endlessly planning where you will hang the framed front-page headline, "Amen!" and other Superbowl stuff
- Keep "Get Crunk" on your iPod and in your car CD player, and when played must roll down windows and blare at ear-splitting decibels
- Have created an iPhone "Get Crunk" ringtone (guilty...)
- Have watched the NFL reply of the Superbowl no less than 3 times
- Every time you see Porter's INT, you jump up, scream and re-live that feeling like it's happening in real time
- Weeks later, still ask yourself constantly, "The Saints are the World Champions, aren't they?"
- When any Jim Henderson Superbowl play-by-play is re-played, stop whatever you are doing, listen, get goosebumps and tears as if you're hearing it for first time
- Have held a Superbowl Replay Party (I will be doing this soon!)
- Counting the days til Sept. 9 Thursday night Opening Game
- Thank God you are a Season Ticket holder
- Pray to God a Season Ticket holder offers you tickets to game's next year
If you are experiencing these symptoms, don't panic, don't schedule a doctor's appointment... just remain calm.. unless of course "Get Crunk" starts playing, then you must bob up and down, wave arms in the air, sing the words and chant "Who Dat Who Dat!!!"
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