Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Landrieu the Sellout

For all to read, here is a copy of an email I just sent to Landrieu's office.
I will bet the house,I'll get some form email from her office, 2 million words long, with gobbly-gook wording about how noble her actions were for the residents of LA. Laugable.

Mrs. Landrieu,
I'm sure you will send me a nauseating, form email in reply to this one. Tell your minions to save their time and not to!
I am disgusted but not surprised that you sold your vote, or as I would rather say, prostituted your vote to help support the disastorous healthcare reform bill.
Your party, the liberal Democrats, should be ashamed of how you have rammed this bill down the throats of the American people.
More than 60% of American oppose this monstronsity, but you and 59 other sellouts have chosen your will over the will of the people. Disgusting and unconstitutional.
To support the lies and distortions of Obama simply for the sake of saying "We Won" is reprehensible.
Neutral deficit?
No new taxes?
Fact: The bill contains $518 billion of tax increases nationwide.
Only those making over $200k will be taxed? Under this bill, 42.1 million of those earning under $200,000 will pay higher taxes.
Everyone can keep their insurance if they want to?
We’ll pay more for higher insurance premiums because, as the Congressional Budget Office reports, the bill increases health care costs overall.

And the bill doesn’t protect Louisiana small businesses in the middle of this serious recession. Most businesses will have to provide a government-defined health insurance benefit to their employees or pay a new government tax. The National Federation of Small Business says that would cost the nation at least 1.6 million jobs, costing tens of thousands of lost jobs in Louisiana, on top of our current high unemployment.
Businesses can keep their current employee insurance?
This new mandate would also create an incentive for businesses to dump their employees off their health plans, because it would be cheaper to do that and pay the new tax.
And most unforgivable?
And the bill forces pro-life taxpayers to support and subsidize abortion. That’s particularly offensive in Louisiana, one of the most proudly pro-life states in the nation.
Mrs. Landrieu you should be ashamed of your actions.
Rest assured, your name and reputation are now forever tarnished.
And I for one will uphold a previous pledge I made to you in a prior email: I will now speak against you as you move forward in any politcal endeavor.
I, unlike you Mrs. Landrieua, stand on my word and my principles.

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