Friday, October 19, 2007

Third World in America

As a landlord and owner of lower income properties in the New Orleans area, I am shocked, disappointed and even angry at times that right here under my nose are people who live in Third World conditions.
The angry part is that it is these people's voluntary choice to live in such impoverished conditions in a country where anyone can lift themselves out of any condition.
Generation after generation live with a sad entitlement mentality fostered by so many liberal thinking people and government officials.
Here's a microcosm:
One tenant I have, the mother has three children, all from different sperm donors. The son was recently kicked out of her unit, after kicking in doors and causing other problems. The mom recently had a baby with a young Spanish worker. She works full-time (some credit given here). The daughter, about 17, is home constantly, lying in bed in her Pjs, watching soap operas and other mind-numbing shows 24/7.
You open the door to this unit, and immediately the smell of garbage and other waste smacks your senses. Looking around, there are opened cans of food, open garbage cans spilling over, human hair on floors, bathrooms with stinking mildewed get the picture.
Third World conditions period.
What's sad is that at least in Third World countries, these people have little or no resources to make themselves better. They are surrounded by poverty and corruption, yet I've seen it personally where these poor people work long hours literally making dollars a day doing heavy labor. Many of them give everything they have to provide for their families, not able to just put their hand out waiting for someone to give them a handout.
But here in the richest country on Earth, where capitalism and independence lets you make as much as you want, we have a whole culture of leeches who feed off the blood of liberal programs and who breed whole new generations of dependent ignorance. And this ignorance and dependence stirred together produces an arrogant entitlement.
In a twisted way, this generational curse of poverty and dependence is a self-defeating medicine for the very injustices so many rally around: slavery, discrimination, white v. black.
Those tired of being discriminated against and bitter about injustices stemming all the way back to slavery are the same ones becoming slaves to new masters: ignorance, social program dependence, entitlement.
Sadly, the keys to open the very chains that bind them sit right in front of them, but so many of their own supposed advocates and leaders won't tell them to pick them up.


Supa D said...

Agreed. The left has made dependents out of these people for many years. Why?? Power, votes..
It kills me when people like John Edwards ( made his millions suing insurance companies)come to New Orleans on a so called " poverty tour ". You see pictures of these "poor" people & they all weigh 300+ LBS. Poverty they say? Do people really live in poverty in the United States? I guess poverty is defined in the U.S. as someone whose cable only goes up to channel 70. One trip to India will put that into perspective. I'm amazed at how the supposed leaders of this city thought that reopening public housing was a priority in bringing this city back. Let's see, how can we bring the most unproductive part of our city back? Oh yeah, I know why, they need votes to keep them in office so that they can keep their freezers stocked with cash. We all know moms & dads, aunts & uncles, grandparents that lived in public housing. Key word there is " lived ". They used public housing for it's intended purpose. A TEMPORARY place to live until you could get on your feet. Same goes with all government assistance programs. Their intent was never to make it a permanant part of peoples lives. Problem is that we now have several generations of people who have that entitlement mentality. It will take at least that many more generations to change it. Sadly though, I don't see it. (Sorry for any spelling errors).

Anonymous said...

This is great info to know.